Entries by admin

Understanding Insurance Policy Limits

Auto insurance limits are the maximum amount of money that an insurance company will pay out in the event of an accident. These limits are set by the policyholder when they purchase their auto insurance policy.   In most states, auto insurance policies are required to have minimum limits for bodily injury liability and property […]

What is Health Insurance Subrogation?

Have you been involved in a car crash that wasn’t your fault? If you sustained injuries, it is likely that you were treated at an emergency room or medical facility. Did you notice that the doctors and/or insurance wanted the at-fault party’s information? Your health insurance company may have the right to recover some or […]

Injury from a Dog Bite in San Diego?

  San Diego County receives over 2,500 reports of Dog Bites every year. Unfortunately, many of these bite victims sustain serious injuries, and occur most often to children. California has specific laws in place to protect people that have been injured by a dog. Our attorneys at Ray Padilla Law APC explain the process of […]

Car Damage Caused by Potholes?

California has experienced record-breaking rainfall in the new year, which has left San Diego roads damaged and riddled with dangerous potholes. In just the past 9 days, the city has received more than 1,100 reports of potholes. Although all drivers strive to stay diligent on the road, while driving in the dark or heavy traffic […]

Be Extra Cautious During Holidays!

While alcohol-impaired driving is always a major concern in motor vehicle crashes, there are certain times of the year when the problem is more prevalent: during the holidays.   According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Fatal crash data spanning over 30 years have revealed consistently that Thanksgiving week, and the time period between Christmas […]

New Medi-Cal Asset Limits’ Effect on Injury Claims

  Beginning July 1, 2022, a new law in California increased the asset limit for Medi-Cal programs. The increased asset limits allow qualified beneficiaries to retain a larger amount of non-exempt assets and still be eligible for Medi-Cal.   The increase raised the asset limit for individuals from $2,000 to $130,000. The threshold increases an […]

The Effect of Social Media on Injury Settlements

  For many, posting on social media is a part of their daily lives; from updating a status on Facebook, participating in a new trend on TikTok, or Tweeting and posting a ‘Happy Birthday’ photo on Instagram. However, if you were injured in a car crash that was not your fault, engaging in these social […]

What is a Minor’s Compromise?

  Children unfortunately get injured in car crashes too. If a personal injury claim involving a minor child under the age of 18 reaches a settlement, that minor cannot lawfully sign off on a settlement agreement on their own. While in some cases the parent/guardian of the minor can sign off on settlement, when it […]

How Does Lost Income Affect Personal Injury Cases?

How Does Lost Income Affect Personal Injury Cases?   When you’re involved in a car crash that results in injuries, the first thing on your mind should be your own health and safety. Unfortunately, for many, their first thought is how much work they might miss, and how that lost income will impact them and […]