How to Stay Safe During Summer Road Trips

Every summer, millions and millions of families across California and the United States hit the road on family road trips.  If you will be doing the same, keep safety on your mind.

California law states that each child must be properly restrained in a child safety seat, booster seat or other restraint system in the back seat, until the child is 9 years old or at least 4 feet 9 inches in height.  Exceptions are:

  • When there is no rear seat.
  • The rear seats are side-facing jump seats.
  • The child passenger restraint system cannot be installed properly in the rear seat.
  • All rear seats are already occupied by children under the age of 12 years.
  • Medical reasons require that the child not ride in the rear seat.  The court may require satisfactory proof of the child’s medical condition.

Additionally, the law states that a child may not ride in the front seat of a mother vehicle with an active passenger air bag if the child in: under one year of age, weighs less than 20 pounds, or is riding rear -facing in a child passenger restraint system.

Finally, nothing works better than setting the right example.  If you wear your seat belt, so will your children.  The California Highway Patrol website offers much more information on how to stay safe on the roadways.


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